Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dreamforce 2011: some sound bytes for building customer relationships

Source: Brent Leary

Brent did quite a good presentation about CRM. There were some sound bytes worth noting:

1. Find, Catch and Keep Customers
2. Trust is highly influenced by social networking
3. 93% of customers expect brands to communicate through social media
4. Customer behaviour is being driven by mobile devices bypassing the desktop PC
5. Deal with customers in the palm of their hands
6. Interact within the social arena
7. Focus upon improving the life of the customer and not just constrain the experience around product
8. Use mobile to enrich the product experience
9. Use knowledge for self-service and first contact points
10. Transform companies to engage in customer dialogue
11. Many companies are out of sync with the need to engage in customer dialogue - they still use controlled communications
12. Good customer dialogue increases customer attention span
13. Smart social networking design drives down email traffic
14. Its about listening, understanding and responding to customer needs
15. Social media is the voice of the customer
16. Social dialogue increases customer advocacy and retention
17. Social strategies transform employee engagement
18. To measure is to know
19. Best performing companies measure twice as much and twice more frequently
20. New measures are a must
21. Handling social insights well drives prioritisation
22. The focus is now on the 'share of the dialogue'
23. Customer communities is now the frontier for 1st level problem resolution
24. Lifetime customer VALUE + INFLUENCE + ACTIVITY = Social CRM ROI
25. Experience is everything
26. Value customers beyond transactions
27. Insights + intent + empathy + action
28. Integrate social into traditional to create new processes

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